Publish or perish
- Elena Sereiviene, Xiaotong Ding, Rundong Jiang, Dylan Bulseco, and Charles Xie, Learning Science and Engineering by Designing Sustainable Houses, The Science Teacher, in press
- Hanxiang Du, Gaoxia Zhu, Wanli Xing, and Charles Xie, What Distinguishes Students’ Engineering Design Performance: Design Behaviors, Design Iterations and Application of Science Concepts, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 2024
- Elena Sereiviene, Xiaotong Ding, Rundong Jiang, Juan Zheng, Andriy Kashyrskyy, Dylan Bulseco, and Charles Xie, Introducing Engineering Design to First-Year Students Through the Net Zero Energy Challenge, Journal of College Science Teaching, 53(5), 507–515, 2024
- Shannon Sung, Xiaotong Ding, Rundong Jiang, Elena Sereiviene, Dylan Bulseco, and Charles Xie, Using Artificial Intelligence Teaching Assistants to Guide Students in Solar Energy Engineering Design, Journal of Geoscience Education, 72(4), 347-366, 2024
- Juan Zheng, Zilong Pan, Shan Li, and Charles Xie, Modeling Temporal Self-Regulatory Processing in STEM Learning of Engineering Design, Educational Technology & Society, 27(4), 20-33, 2024
- Rundong Jiang, Xiaotong Ding, and Charles Xie, Solarize Your World: Addressing Climate Change Through Renewable Energy Engineering, The Physics Teacher, 61(8), 694–698, 2023
- Charles Xie, Xiaotong Ding, and Rundong Jiang, Making Science Visible in Engineering Design for Learning and Teaching, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 43(5), 99-106, 2023
- Charles Xie, Beyond Solar Cookers: Modeling and Designing Concentrated Solar Power as Engineering Projects in Physics Classrooms, The Physics Teacher, 61(6), 447–452, 2023
- Wanli Xing, Xudong Huang, Chenglu Li, and Charles Xie, Teaching Thermodynamics with Augmented Interactions and Learning Analytics, Computers & Education, 104726, 2023
- Bo Pei, Wanli Xing, Gaoxia Zhu, Kristine Antonyan, and Charles Xie, Integrating Infrared Technologies in Science Learning: An Evidence-based Reasoning Perspective, Education and Information Technologies, 28, 8423–8443, 2023
- Shiyan Jiang, Xudong Huang, Shannon Sung, and Charles Xie, Learning Analytics for Assessing Hands-On Laboratory Skills in Science Classrooms Using Bayesian Network Analysis, Research in Science Education, 53, 425–444, 2023
- Rundong Jiang, Chenglu Li, Xiaotong Ding, Shannon Sung, and Charles Xie, A New Type of Interactive Video for Physics Education, The Physics Teacher, 60(8), 656-659, 2022
- Shannon Sung, Xudong Huang, and Charles Xie, Panels v. Trees: Broadening the Pathways of Engineering Education through Integration with Social Studies, Science Scope, Vol. 45, Issue 6, 24-33, 2022
- Rundong Jiang, Xiaotong Ding, Shannon Sung, Ashley Bulseco, and Charles Xie, Data-Driven Science Vlogging for Connected Learning Anywhere, Connected Science Learning, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2022
- Shan Li, Juan Zheng, Xudong Huang, & Charles Xie, Self-Regulated Learning as a Complex Dynamical System: Examining Students’ STEM Learning in a Simulation Environment, Learning and Individual Differences, Vol. 95, 102144, 2022
- Charles Xie, Chenglu Li, Shannon Sung, and Rundong Jiang, Engaging Students in Distance Learning of Science with Remote Labs 2.0, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 15, Issue 1, 15-31, 2022
- Jasmine Singh, Viranga Perera, Alejandra J. Magana, Brittany Newell, Jin Wei-Kocsis, Ying Ying Seah, Greg J. Strimel, & Charles Xie, Using Machine Learning to Predict Engineering Technology Students' Success with Computer Aided Design, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2022
- Shiyan Jiang, Cansu Tatar, Xudong Huang, Shannon Sung, and Charles Xie, Augmented Reality in Science Laboratories: Investigating High School Students’ Navigation Patterns and Their Effects on Learning Performance, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 2021
- Shannon Sung, Chenglu Li, Xudong Huang, and Charles Xie, Enhancing Distance Learning of Science—Impacts of Remote Labs 2.0 on Students' Behavioural and Cognitive Engagement, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 2021
- Charles Xie, Chenglu Li, Xiaotong Ding, Rundong Jiang, and Shannon Sung, Chemistry on the Cloud: From Wet Labs to Web Labs, Journal of Chemical Education, 98(9), 2840–2847, 2021
- Rundong Jiang, Chenglu Li, Xudong Huang, Shannon Sung, and Charles Xie, Remote Labs 2.0 to the Rescue: Doing Science in a Pandemic, The Science Teacher, 88(6), 63-71, 2021
- Alejandra Magana, Jennifer Chiu, Ying-Ying Seah, James Bywater, Corey Schimpf, Tugba Karabiyik, Sanjay Rebello, and Charles Xie, Classroom Orchestration of Computer Simulations for Science and Engineering Learning: A Cross-Case Study Approach, International Journal of Science Education, 43(7), 1140-1171, 2021
- Gaoxia Zhu, Yifang Zeng, Wanli Xing, Hanxiang Du, and Charles Xie, Reciprocal Relations between Students' Evaluation, Reformulation Behaviors and Engineering Design Performance Over Time, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 30(5), 595–607, 2021
- Shannon Sung, Chenglu Li, Guanhua Chen, Xudong Huang, Charles Xie, Joyce Massicotte, and Ji Shen, How does Augmented Observation Facilitate Multimodal Representational Thinking? Applying Deep Learning to Decode Complex Student Construct, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 30(2), 210–226, 2021
- Wanli Xing, Chenglu Li, Guanhua Chen, Xudong Huang, Jie Chao, Joyce Massicotte, and Charles Xie, Automatic Assessment of Students’ Engineering Design Performance using a Bayesian Network Model, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(2), 230-256, 2021
- Shan Li, Hanxiang Du, Wanli Xing, Juan Zheng, Guanhua Chen, and Charles Xie, Examining Temporal Dynamics of Self-Regulated Learning Behaviors in STEM Learning: A Network Approach, Computers & Education, 158, 103987, 2020
- Juan Zheng, Wanli Xing, Xudong Huang, Shan Li, Guanhua Chen, and Charles Xie, The Role of Self-Regulated Learning on Science and Design Knowledge Gains in Engineering Projects, Interactive Learning Environments, 2020
- Shan Li, Guanhua Chen, Wanli Xing, Juan Zheng, and Charles Xie, Longitudinal Clustering of Students' Self-regulated Learning Behaviors in Engineering Design, Computers & Education, 153, 103899, 2020
- Travis Green, Rebekkah Gresh, Desiree Cochran, Kaitlyn Crobar, Peter Blass, Alexis Ostrowski, Dean Campbell, Charles Xie, and Andrew Torelli, Invisibility Cloaks and Hot Reactions: Applying Infrared Thermography in the Chemistry Education Laboratory, Journal of Chemical Education, 97(3), 710–718, 2020
- Juan Zheng, Wanli Xing, Gaoxia Zhu, Guanhua Chen, Henglv Zhao, and Charles Xie, Profiling Self-Regulation Behaviors in STEM Learning of Engineering Design, Computers & Education, 143, 103669, 2020
- Wanli Xing, Bo Pei, Shan Li, Guanhua Chen, and Charles Xie, Using Learning Analytics to Support Students' Engineering Design: The Angle of Prediction, Interactive Learning Environments, 2019
- Robin Samuelsson, Maja Elmgren, Charles Xie, and Jesper Haglund, Going through a Phase: Infrared Camera in a Teaching Sequence on Evaporation and Condensation, American Journal of Physics, 87(7), 577-582, 2019
- Molly H. Goldstein, Senay Purzer, Robin S. Adams, Jie Chao, and Charles Xie, The Relationship between Design Reflectivity and Conceptions of Informed Design among High School Students, European Journal of Engineering Education, 44(1-2), 123-136, 2019
- Jie Chao, Charles Xie, Joyce Massicotte, Corey Schimpf, Jeff Lockwood, Xudong Huang, and Craig Beaulieu, Solarize Your School: A Solar Energy System Design Challenge, The Science Teacher, 86(4), 40-47, 2018
- Charles Xie, Corey Schimpf, Jie Chao, Saeid Nourian, and Joyce Massicotte, Learning and Teaching Engineering Design through Modeling and Simulation on a CAD Platform, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 26(4), 824-840, 2018
- Helen Z. Zhang, Charles Xie, and Saeid Nourian, Are Their Designs Iterative or Fixated? Investigating Design Patterns from Student Digital Footprints in Computer-Aided Design Software, International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 28(3), 819-841, 2018
- Jie Chao, Charles Xie, Saeid Nourian, Guanhua Chen, Siohban Bailey, Molly Goldstein, Senay Purzer, Robin Adams, and Shane Tutwiler, Bridging the Design-Science Gap with Tools: Science Learning and Design Behaviors in a Simulated Environment for Engineering Design, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 54(8), 1049-1096, 2017
- Jesper Haglund, Fredrik Jeppsson, Emil Melander, Ann-Marie Pendrill, Charles Xie, and Konrad Schönborn, Infrared Cameras in Science Education, Infrared Physics and Technology, 75(3), 150-152, 2016
- Senay Purzer, Molly Goldstein, Robin Adams, Charles Xie, and Saeid Nourian, An Exploratory Study of Informed Engineering Design Behaviors Associated with Scientific Explanations, International Journal of STEM Education, 2:9, 2015
- Konrad Schönborn, Jesper Haglund, and Charles Xie, Pupils' Early Explorations of Thermoimaging to Interpret Heat and Temperature, Journal of Baltic Science Education, 13(1), 118-132, 2014
- Charles Xie, Helen Zhang, Saeid Nourian, Amy Pallant, and Siobhan Bailey, On the Instructional Sensitivity of CAD Logs, International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(4), 760-778, 2014
- Charles Xie, Helen Zhang, Saeid Nourian, Amy Pallant, and Edmund Hazzard, A Time Series Analysis Method for Assessing Engineering Design Processes Using a CAD Tool, International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(1), 218-230, 2014
- Charles Xie and Hee-Sun Lee, A Visual Approach to Nanotechnology Education, International Journal of Engineering Education, 28(5), 1006-1018, 2012
- Charles Xie, Interactive Heat Transfer Simulations for Everyone, The Physics Teacher, 50(4), 237-240, 2012
- Charles Xie and Edmund Hazzard, Infrared Imaging for Inquiry-Based Learning, The Physics Teacher, 49(6), 368-372, 2011 (FEATURED ARTICLE)
- Charles Xie, Robert Tinker, Barbara Tinker, Amy Pallant, Daniel Damelin, and Boris Berenfeld, Computational Experiments for Science Education, Science, 332(6037), 1516-1517, 2011
- Charles Xie, Visualizing Chemistry with Infrared Imaging, Journal of Chemical Education, 88(7), 881-885, 2011 (COVER ARTICLE)
- Robert Tinker and Charles Xie, Applying Computational Science to Education: the Molecular Workbench Paradigm, Computing in Science and Engineering, 10(5), 24-27, 2008
- Qian Xie and Robert Tinker, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Chemical Reactions for Use in Education, Journal of Chemical Education, 83(1), 77-83, 2006
- Xingang Li, Charles Xie, & Zhenghui Sha, Design Representation for Performance Evaluation of 3D Shapes in Structure-Aware Generative Design, Design Science, e27, 2023
- Xingang Li, Charles Xie, and Zhenghui Sha, A Predictive and Generative Design Approach for 3D Mesh Shapes Using Target-Embedding Variational Autoencoder, Journal of Mechanical Design, 144(11), 114501, 2022
- Molla Hafizur Rahman, Charles Xie, and Zhenghui Sha, Predicting Sequential Design Decisions Using the Function-Behavior-Structure Design Process Model and Recurrent Neural Networks, Journal of Mechanical Design, 143(8), 081706, 2021
- Molla Hafizur Rahman, Shuhan Yuan, Charles Xie, and Zhenghui Sha, Predicting Human Design Decisions with Deep Recurrent Neural Network Combining Static and Dynamic Data, Design Science, 6, e15, 2020
- Molla Hafizur Rahman, Corey Schimpf, Charles Xie, and Zhenghui Sha, A Computer-Aided Design Based Research Platform for Data-Driven Design Thinking Studies, Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(12), 121102, 2019
- Georgios Archontis, K. A. Watson, Qian Xie, G. Andreou, E. D. Chrysina, S. E. Zographos, N. G. Oikonomakos, and M. Karplus, Glycogen Phosphorylase Inhibitors: A Free Energy Perturbation Analysis of Glucopyranose Spirohydantoin Analogues, Proteins Structure Function and Bioinformatics, 61, 984-998, 2005
- Spiros Skourtis, Georgios Archontis, and Qian Xie, Electron Transfer through Fluctuating Bridges: On the Validity of the Superexchange Mechanism and Time-Dependent Tunneling Matrix Elements, Journal of Chemical Physics, 115, 9444-9462, 2001
- Qian Xie, Georgios Archontis, and Spiros Skourtis, Protein Electron Transfer: A Numerical Study of the Effect of Bridge Motion on the Transfer Dynamics, Chemical Physics Letters, 312, 237-246, 1999
- Qian Xie, Dynamics of Adatom Diffusion and Island Morphology Evolution at a Cu(001) Surface, Physica Status Solidi, B 207, 153-170, 1998
- Qian Xie and Peng Chen, Semiempirical Tight-Binding Interatomic Potentials Based on the Hubbard Model, Physical Review B 56, 5235-5242, 1997
- Wen-Qing Zhang, Qian Xie, Xi-Jin Ge, and Nan-Xian Chen, Interatomic Potentials between Distinct Atoms: First-Principles Calculation and the Lattice Inversion Method, Journal of Applied Physics 82, 578-582, 1997
- Qian Xie and Nan-Xian Chen, A Matrix-Inversion Method: Applications to the Möbius Inversion and Deconvolution, Physical Review E 52, 6055-6065, 1995
- Qian Xie and Nan-Xian Chen, A Unified Inversion Technique for Fermion and Boson Integral Equation, Physical Review E 52, 351-354, 1995
- Qian Xie and Nan-Xian Chen, Recovery of an N-body Potential from a Universal Cohesion Equation, Physical Review B 51, 15856-15860, 1995
- Qian Xie and Nan-Xian Chen, Determination of Hydrogen Activation Energy Spectrum in Amorphous Solids from Internal Frictions, Chinese Physics Letters 12, 553-556, 1995
- Qian Xie and Mei-Chun Huang, Inverse Lattice Problem and Finnis-Sinclair Model, Chinese Physics Letters 12, 221-224, 1995
- Peng Chen, Qian Xie, and Mei-Chun Huang, Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties of Silver Using a Lattice-Inverted Many-Body Potential, Chinese Physics Letters 12, 374-377, 1995
- Qian Xie, Wei Xu, and Mei-Chun Huang, Lattice Inversion Method and ab initio Pair Potentials in Cu-Ag, Cu-Au and Ag-Au Intermetallic Compounds, Chinese Physics Letters 12, 12-15, 1995
- Qian Xie and Nan-Xian Chen, Self-Consistent Electronic Structure and Total Energy Calculation for Hydrogenized Ni, Al and Their Compounds, Acta Metallurgica Sinica 7(3), 220-223, 1994
- Qian Xie and Mei-Chun Huang, Elastic Constants and Phonon Dispersions of Armorphous Copper with the Embedded-Atom Force, Physica Status Solidi B 186, 383-391, 1994
- Qian Xie and Mei-Chun Huang, A Lattice Inversion Method to Construct Alloy Pair Potentials for the Embedded-Atom Method, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 6, 11015-11025, 1994
- Qian Xie and Mei-Chun Huang, Application of the Lattice Inversion Method to the Embedded-Atom Method, Physica Status Solidi B 186, 393-402, 1994
- Qian Xie and Mei-Chun Huang, Chen-Möbius Inversion Theorem and a Crystallographic Representation of Directional Family, Physics Letters A 184, 119-126, 1993
- Charles Xie, Foreword, in Thermal Cameras in Science Education, Haglund, J. ,Jeppsson, F., & Schönborn, K.J. (Eds.), Springer, 2022
- Glen Bull, Jennie Chiu, Robert Berry, Hod Lipson, and Charles Xie, Advancing Children's Engineering through Desktop Manufacturing, in Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, Spector, J. M., et al. (Eds.), Springer, 2014
- Charles Xie and Amy Pallant, The Molecular Workbench Software: an Innovative Dynamic Modeling Tool for Nanoscience Education, in Models and Modeling: Cognitive Tool for Scientific Enquiry, Khine, M. S. & Saleh, I. M. (Eds.), Springer, 2011
- Molla Hafizur Rahman, Charles Xie, and Zhenghui Sha, A Deep Learning Based Approach to Predict Sequential Design Decisions, Proceedings of the ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 18-21, 2019, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Molla Hafizur Rahman, Michael Gashler, Charles Xie, and Zhenghui Sha, Automatic Clustering of Sequential Design Behaviors Based on Function-Behavior-Structure Ontology, Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, August 26-29, 2018, Quebec City, Canada
- Robin S. Adams, Molly Goldstein, Senay Purzer, Jie Chao, Charles Xie, and Saeid Nourian, Traversing the Barriers to Using Big Data in Understating How High School Students Design, in Design Computing and Cognition 2016, J.S. Gero (Ed.), Springer, 2016
- Charles Xie, Transforming Science Education with Infrared Imaging, Proceedings of InfraMation 2012, November 6-8, 2012, Orlando, Florida
- Charles Xie, Computational Experiments for Science and Engineering Education, Invited paper, MODSIM World Conference and Expo, October 13-15, 2010, Hampton, Virginia
- Charles Xie, Edmund Hazzard, and Saeid Nourian, Infusing Technology into Engineering Education, P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit, August 11-13, 2010, Seaside, Oregon
- Charles Xie, Generating Formative Feedback in Engineering Design Using AI-Based Performance Assessment, International Conference of AI-based Assessment in STEM Education, May 25-27, 2022, Athens, Georgia, USA
- Charles Xie, Crowdsourcing an Infrared Street View through Citizen Science, Advisory Board Meeting, Concord, MA, October 22, 2019
- Charles Xie, Crowdsourcing an Infrared Street View: Citizen Scientists Survey Humanity's Last Line of Defense against Extreme Climates with Infrared Thermography, NSF AISL PI Meeting, Alexandria, VA, 2019
- Charles Xie, Crowdsourcing an Infrared Street View with the SmartIR App, Presentation to industry (not disclosed), 2017
- Charles Xie, Teaching and Learning Engineering Design with a "Smart" CAD, Presentation to General Motors, 2017
- Charles Xie, Crowdsourcing a Virtual Solar Grid, Energy Innovation Forum 2017, Lowell, MA, USA
- Charles Xie, Crowdsourcing an Infrared Street View, Energy Innovation Forum 2017, Lowell, MA, USA
- Charles Xie, Visualizing Engineering Design Processes of High School Students Using a CAD System, AERA 2016, Washington DC, USA
- Charles Xie, Seeing Science beneath the Surface at the Speed of Light, European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), 2015, Helsinki, Finland
- Charles Xie, Visualizing Engineering Design with Process Analytics Based on CAD Software, NARST Annual International Conference, April 11-14, 2015, Chicago, IL
- Charles Xie, Large-Scale Research on Engineering Design Based on Big Learner Data Logged by a CAD Tool, NSF ECR Inaugural Meeting, December 6, 2013, Alington, VA
- Charles Xie, Natural User Interfaces and Science Education, HCI+ISE Conference, June 11-14, 2013, Albuquerque, NM
- Charles Xie, A Visual Approach to Nanotechnology Education, Micro Nano Technology Conference, May 21-23, 2013, Minneapolis, MN
- Charles Xie, A Time Series Analysis Method for Assessing Engineering Design Processes Using a CAD Tool, NARST Annual International Conference, April 6-9, 2013, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico
- Charles Xie, Teaching Science with IR Imaging, Keynote, Inframation 2012, November 6-8, 2012, Orlando, Florida
- Jesper Haglund, Fredrik Jeppsson, David Hedberg, Charles Xie, and Konrad Schönborn, Värmekameror gör det osynliga synligt, Venue, 2014 (in Swedish)
- Charles Xie, Yet another Java fractal generator, Java Coffee Break, 1999