Extended Huckel calculation

EH calculations are more realistic for electronic dynamics because the orbital overlaps are taken into account. One of the motivations for EH simulations is to evaluate the role of the nonorthogonality of wave function basis on the propogation dynamics, though this hasn't been achieved.
Anatomy of the core of the EH code
The EH code we have used is from EHMACC, a QCPE program. We have seamlessly incorporated the code into ours. Hence, unlike the CNDO/ET code that separates the electronic structure part from the electronic dynamics part, the EH/ET code can do both in a single package.

The main subroutines are summarized here:

HP-UX version and Linux version

Remedy the gap problem
Usually the gap predicted by the EH method is about 4 eV (in contrast to approximately 12 eV by the CNDO method), immediately putting itself under criticism. We found, by chance, that the underestimation arises the failure of treating the pi bonds. If one analyzes the states near the LUMO and HOMO, one would find they actually are nothing but the pi bonds. Here is an example:
       1     BD          1.9859  -18.3210 C  1 H  2
       2     BD          1.9963  -18.3619 C  1 H  3
       3     BD          2.0075  -18.3691 C  1 H  4
     111     LP          1.9962  -22.8611 O  6
     112     LP          1.9687  -14.9379 O  6
     113     LP          1.6838  -13.4116 N  7
     139     BD*         -.0113    8.6579 C  1 H  2
     140     BD*         -.0109    8.7869 C  1 H  3
     141     BD*         -.0111    8.8078 C  1 H  4
     142     BD*          .0036   14.3201 C  1 C  5
     143     BD*          .0087    7.6065 C  5 O  6
     144     BD*          .3747  -10.3492 C  5 O  6-->    1.6508
     145     BD*          .0067   10.1146 C  5 N  7
     146     BD*         -.0105    7.6999 N  7 H  8
     147     BD*         -.0163    6.5060 N  7 C  9
     148     BD*          .0014   11.2253 C  9 H 10
     149     BD*         -.0210   12.1555 C  9 C 11
     150     BD*          .0131   14.1056 C  9 C 22
     151     BD*         -.0054    8.7886 C 11 H 12
     152     BD*         -.0053    8.5700 C 11 H 13
     153     BD*         -.0162   10.7885 C 11 C 14
     154     BD*          .0038    9.0592 C 14 H 15
     155     BD*         -.0001    8.6885 C 14 H 16
     156     BD*          .0348   -8.2898 C 14 O 17-->    3.7102
     157     BD*         -.0041   -8.2409 O 17 C 18-->    3.7591

     -----156 and 157 have p-characters of about 4 
           and 11, respectively. see the log file.
           They are not C=O pi bonds. (We replaced S
           with O because we couldn't treat S properly.)

     158     BD*         -.0015    9.0922 C 18 H 19
     159     BD*         -.0051    8.8397 C 18 H 20
     160     BD*         -.0025    8.8345 C 18 H 21
     161     BD*          .0077   11.0615 C 22 O 23
     162     BD*          .3804  -10.1526 C 22 O 23-->    1.8474
     163     BD*         -.0014   16.5099 C 22 N 24
     164     BD*         -.0072    7.6252 N 24 H 25
     165     BD*         -.0198    6.1701 N 24 C 26
     166     BD*          .0037   10.9273 C 26 H 27
     167     BD*         -.0105    9.7218 C 26 C 28
     168     BD*          .0143   11.1053 C 26 C 43
     169     BD*         -.0003    8.8298 C 28 H 29
     170     BD*         -.0037    8.6066 C 28 H 30
     171     BD*         -.0222   11.2918 C 28 C 31
     172     BD*         -.0010    9.0296 C 31 H 32
     173     BD*         -.0048    8.1757 C 31 H 33
     174     BD*         -.0263   16.8034 C 31 C 34
     175     BD*         -.0007    9.0944 C 34 H 35
     176     BD*         -.0042    7.9843 C 34 H 36
     177     BD*         -.0194   10.6734 C 34 C 37
     178     BD*          .0076    8.6021 C 37 H 38
     179     BD*          .0064    9.3603 C 37 H 39
     180     BD*         -.0186    5.1731 C 37 N 40
     181     BD*         -.0186    4.2648 N 40 H 41
     182     BD*         -.0128    5.0667 N 40 H 42
     183     BD*          .0083    9.0537 C 43 O 44
     184     BD*          .4143  -10.3166 C 43 O 44-->    1.6834
     185     BD*         -.0001   19.6593 C 43 N 45
     186     BD*         -.0159    7.4730 N 45 H 46
     187     BD*         -.0244    5.4937 N 45 C 47
     188     BD*         -.0023   11.2935 C 47 H 48
     189     BD*         -.0037   10.9374 C 47 H 49
     190     BD*          .0043   16.9445 C 47 C 50
     191     BD*          .0065    7.2201 C 50 O 51
     192     BD*          .3822  -10.3748 C 50 O 51-->    1.6252
     193     BD*          .0028   12.0287 C 50 N 52
     194     BD*         -.0127    7.5023 N 52 H 53
     195     BD*         -.0158    6.0018 N 52 C 54
     196     BD*         -.0012   10.6199 C 54 H 55
     197     BD*          .0001   10.7547 C 54 C 56
     198     BD*          .0052   17.1782 C 54 C 64
     199     BD*          .0134    9.4255 C 56 H 57
     200     BD*         -.0083    -.0686 C 56 O 58
     201     BD*         -.0094    7.4706 C 56 C 60
     202     BD*         -.0141    1.4505 O 58 H 59
     203     BD*         -.0074    9.0127 C 60 H 61
     204     BD*         -.0083    8.9262 C 60 H 62
     205     BD*         -.0089    8.5174 C 60 H 63
     206     BD*          .0066    9.4715 C 64 O 65
     207     BD*          .4263  -10.2937 C 64 O 65-->    1.7063
     208     BD*          .0017   18.1604 C 64 N 66
     209     BD*         -.0169    7.5421 N 66 H 67
     210     BD*         -.0145    5.4272 N 66 C 68
     211     BD*          .0001   10.7664 C 68 H 69
     212     BD*         -.0137    9.5187 C 68 C 70
     213     BD*          .0087   16.3618 C 68 C 83
     214     BD*         -.0029    8.8512 C 70 H 71
     215     BD*         -.0027    8.6398 C 70 H 72
     216     BD*         -.0182   11.4511 C 70 C 73
     217     BD*         -.0006    8.4893 C 73 H 74
     218     BD*         -.0191    5.8586 C 73 C 75
     219     BD*         -.0239   12.8016 C 73 C 79
     220     BD*         -.0093    8.4317 C 75 H 76
     221     BD*         -.0075    8.9759 C 75 H 77
     222     BD*         -.0030    9.5937 C 75 H 78
     223     BD*         -.0053    9.0430 C 79 H 80
     224     BD*         -.0064    8.7029 C 79 H 81
     225     BD*         -.0073    8.6264 C 79 H 82
     226     BD*          .0082   10.0190 C 83 O 84
     227     BD*          .3862  -10.2289 C 83 O 84-->    1.7711
     228     BD*          .0084   14.4269 C 83 N 85
     229     BD*         -.0158    7.5028 N 85 H 86
     230     BD*         -.0151    4.2080 N 85 C 87
     231     BD*         -.0014   10.8179 C 87 H 88
     232     BD*         -.0098   14.0006 C 87 C 89
     233     BD*          .0066   16.3324 C 87 C 97
     234     BD*          .0119    9.3137 C 89 H 90
     235     BD*         -.0022   -1.1148 C 89 O 91
     236     BD*         -.0078    8.8405 C 89 C 93
     237     BD*         -.0042    1.2832 O 91 H 92
     238     BD*         -.0079    8.7263 C 93 H 94
     239     BD*         -.0111    8.2585 C 93 H 95
     240     BD*         -.0066    8.8269 C 93 H 96
     241     BD*          .0094   11.5446 C 97 O 98
     242     BD*          .3371  -10.0943 C 97 O 98-->    1.9057
     243     BD*          .0101   11.6049 C 97 N 99
     244     BD*         -.0124    7.7769 N 99 H100
     245     BD*         -.0229    4.9143 N 99 C101
     246     BD*          .0010    9.1270 C101 H102
     247     BD*         -.0013    9.1258 C101 H103
     248     BD*         -.0042    9.1670 C101 H104
  minimum bond occupancy=  1.6555  at bond 130
  maximum anti occupancy=   .4263  at bond 207
  ------These two numbers mean that the electronic
        wave functions of bonds are really very
        localized. The Huckel approximation, as
        the zero order approximation of the more
        complicated CNDO method, is proven to have
        embodied well-structured chemical bonds, 
        though it is not as successful for pi
        bonds as it is for sigma bonds.
(for the whole file, see
log.staticCalculation. The antibond occupancies are sometimes negative because of the overlap transformation. Because the antibonds constructed by the NBO method are not exactly the eigenstates of sub density matrices, the numbers listed above are unimportant.)

Raising the antibond energies by 12 eV like shown in the above lines (equivalent to lifting those in-gap electronic states up to the band), we found that the energy gap becomes about 8 eV, compared with about 4 eV before changing. This is, apparently, a significant improvement for the gap problem.

Major product of the EH
The EH/ET code more or less succeeds in producing a satisfactory picture of bond structure for proteins, and, despite of the many numerical approximations it has employed, succeeds as well in maintaining the numerical stability and the conservation law of particle number.
The C-shell script that controls the job flow
This is the
script to create the input time series of structure (in PDB) for EH/ET simulation. The script converts the DCD segments and concatenates the segments into an integrated time series.
#!/bin/csh -f

set name_of_protein = azur
set dir_of_strk = /opt/data/sdata/121-126/330ps
set dir_of_pdb = /home/xie/bet/strk
@ number_of_pdb_per_seg = 50
@ index_of_pdb = 1
@ iseg = 1
@ total = 1000

#check if the directory is correct
set a = `pwd`
if ( $a != $dir_of_pdb ) then
   echo "We are not in the right starting directory!"


echo $index_of_pdb, $iseg

   cd $dir_of_strk
   cp $name_of_protein.$iseg.tar.gz $dir_of_pdb
   cd $dir_of_pdb
   echo $name_of_protein.$iseg.tar.gz
   gunzip $name_of_protein.$iseg.tar.gz
   tar -xvf $name_of_protein.$iseg.tar
   rm -f $name_of_protein.$iseg.tar

   /bin/ls -1 *.pdb | sort -n -k 1.1 > tempo

   @ j = ( $iseg - 1 ) * $number_of_pdb_per_seg

   foreach ipdb ( `awk '{print $1}' tempo`) 

   @ j ++
   if($j < 10) then
      mv $ipdb $name_of_protein.0000$j
   else if($j >= 10 && $j < 100) then
      mv $ipdb $name_of_protein.000$j
   else if($j >= 100 && $j < 1000) then
      mv $ipdb $name_of_protein.00$j
   else if($j >= 1000 && $j < 10000) then
      mv $ipdb $name_of_protein.0$j
   else if($j >= 10000 && $j < 100000) then
      mv $ipdb $name_of_protein.$j

   echo $iseg, $ipdb, $j

   @ iseg ++
   if ( $iseg <= 60 ) goto label_100

Because we have integrated the electronic structure calculation part with the time-dependent electronic dynamics one, the script is very simple:
#!/bin/csh -f

set dir_of_main  = /home/xie/bet

#check if the directory is correct
set a = `pwd`
if ( $a != $dir_of_main ) then
   echo "We are not in the right starting directory!"

@ irun = 0


bet_ns < restart_yes

@ irun ++
if ( $irun < 150 ) goto label_100 


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© 2000, Qian Xie