Classical molecular dynamics simulation

Molecular graphics tools
Molecular graphics is the software technology for visualizing structures for molecules and macromolecules. For workstations,
Visual Molecular Dynamics may be a good choice. For wintels, Rasmol offers very fast rendering. Of course, VMD and Rasmol present both Wintel and Unix versions. For web sites, the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) may present a nice medium for displaying molecular structures. The VRML was an effort for 3D graphics on the Web by Silicon Graphics. For details, visit the Web 3D Consortium. Our group has also developed a PDB-VRML converter, which converts the PDB format into the VRML format. The Cosmo Player is recommended for viewing the VRML files. We have an example which demonstrates the folding dynamics of an extended polypeptide chain into an alpha-helix.

In MD simulation, molecular graphics tools are very useful in understanding the bonding structures and the dynamical behaviors, which may be difficult to understand from a sea of data.

Prepare a structure

Brookhaven Protein Data Bank presents a large number of cystallographic structures for proteins. If the resolution is not high enough to reveal the hydrogen atoms (as is the usual case), the PDB file will not contain the coordinates for the hydrogens. The HBUILD command has to be used to set the hydrogen positions.

If the size of the protein is too big for a workstation case, consideration should be taken to cut the most important part of the protein out, usually containing the reaction site and the interesting region. Harmonic restraints can be used to clinch the residues which cross the cutoff boundary. Energy minization is normally performed to remove bad contacts in the cystallographic structure. It is advised that the protein be equilibrated for some time with harmonic restraints around the crystallographic positions.

Care has to be taken to establish the disulfide bonds, decide the protonation of the residues, install the terminals, and manage charge neutrality for the neutral amino acids and ligands.

Define force fields

Force fields in molecular simulations play the decisive role on the results. To some extent, determination of the force fields parameters is to quantify the potential terms in the Hamiltonian. Therefore the quantitative results produced by a given Hamiltonian will rest on the input of the force fields parameters, provided that the simulation protocols are identical.

There are two important Charmm files: The structure builder ( top_all22_prot_na.inp) that contains the nuts and bolts for building proteins and nucleic acids, and the parameter file ( par_all22_prot_na.inp) that contains the force fields paramters. Besides loading existing structure data, Charmm's structure builder enables the user to construct proteins and nucleic acids from scratch.

If the protein consists of a ligand which is not one of the 20 amino acids, or, none of the nuts and bolts the CHARMM parameter and topology files present, we will have to build it into the parameter and topology files.

Definition of a component in the topology input is composed of defining the following information: (1) Type of atoms; (2) Charge of atoms; (3) Bonds; (4) Dihedral angles (proper and improper); (5) Internal coordinates; (6) Donor and acceptor of hydrogen bonds; (7) Patches to modify the structure locally.

The following is an example for building a triple hybrid that is composed of three different groups (hydan, nhydan, mhydan).

RESI HYBR         0.000  ! hybrid: hydan+nhydan+mhydan
GROU                     !                    
ATOM C1   CTS     0.220  !                  O6-HO6
ATOM C7    CF     0.510  !                  |
ATOM O7    OF    -0.510  !              H61-C6-H62
ATOM N1  NH1F    -0.430  !                  |          O7      *
ATOM HN1   HF     0.310  !                  |          ||     /
ATOM C8    CF     0.630  !               H5-C5---O5    ||    /
ATOM O8    OF    -0.510  !            H4   /       \   C7--N1
ATOM N2  NH1F    -0.470  !              \ /     HO2 \  /    \
ATOM HN2   HF     0.310  !               C4      |   C1      C8=O8
ATOM C5   CTS     0.250  !              / \ H3   O2 /  \    /
ATOM H5   HAS     0.090  !         HO4-O4  \|    | /     N2   
ATOM O5   OES    -0.400  !                  C3---C2      |
ATOM C7B   CF     0.510  !                  |    |      HN2
ATOM O7B   OF    -0.510  !              HO3-O3   H2    
ATOM N1B NH1F    -0.111  !                                     
ATOM N3B  NH2    -0.629  !                                    
ATOM HN31   H     0.310  !
ATOM HN32   H     0.310  !
ATOM C8B   CF     0.630  !                        
ATOM O8B   OF    -0.510  !             
ATOM N2B  NH1F   -0.470  !               
ATOM HN2B  HF     0.310  !                
ATOM C7C   CF     0.510  !
ATOM O7C   OF    -0.510  !
ATOM N1C NH1F    -0.220  !
ATOM C9C  CT3    -0.170  !
ATOM H91   HA     0.090  !
ATOM H92   HA     0.090  !
ATOM H93   HA     0.090  !
ATOM C8C   CF     0.630  !
ATOM O8C   OF    -0.510  !
ATOM N2C NH1F    -0.470  !
ATOM HN2C  HF     0.310  !
GROU                     !                    
ATOM C2   CTS     0.140  !               
ATOM H2   HAS     0.090  !
ATOM O2   OHS    -0.660  !
ATOM HO2  HOS     0.430  !
GROU                     !
ATOM C3   CTS     0.140  !                  
ATOM H3   HAS     0.090  !
ATOM O3   OHS    -0.660  !
ATOM HO3  HOS     0.430  !
ATOM C4   CTS     0.140
ATOM H4   HAS     0.090
ATOM O4   OHS    -0.660
ATOM HO4  HOS     0.430
ATOM C6   CTS     0.050
ATOM H61  HAS     0.090
ATOM H62  HAS     0.090
ATOM O6   OHS    -0.660
ATOM HO6  HOS     0.430
BOND C1   O5        C1   C2
BOND C2   H2        C2   O2        O2   HO2       C2   C3        C3   H3 
BOND C3   O3        O3   HO3       C3   C4        C4   H4        C4   O4 
BOND O4   HO4       C4   C5        C5   H5        C5   C6        C6   H61 
BOND C6   H62       C6   O6        O6   HO6       C5   O5 
BOND C1   C7        C7   N1        N1   HN1       
BOND N1   C8        C8   N2
BOND N2   C1        N2  HN2
BOND C7   O7        C8   O8 
BOND C1   C7B      C7B  N1B        N1B   N3B      N3B HN31       N3B  HN32
BOND N1B  C8B      C8B  N2B
BOND N2B  C1       N2B  HN2B
BOND C7B  O7B      C8B  O8B
BOND C1   C7C       C7C  N1C        
BOND N1C  C9C       C9C  H91       C9C  H92       C9C H93       
BOND N1C  C8C       C8C  N2C
BOND N2C  C1        N2C HN2C
BOND C7C  O7C       C8C  O8C
IMPR      C7   C1   N1   O7     N1  C7   C8   HN1   C8   N1    N2    O8
IMPR      N2   C1   C8 HN2
IMPR     C7B   C1  N1B  O7B    N1B C7B  C8B  N3B       C8B  N1B   N2B   O8B
IMPR     N2B   C1  C8B HN2B    N3B N1B HN31 HN32       N3B  N1B  HN32  HN31
IMPR     C7C   C1  N1C  O7C    N1C C7C  C8C  C9C       C8C  N1C   N2C   O8C
IMPR     N2C   C1  C8C HN2C
! patch residue to delete the angles  
!  N2-C1-N2B
!  C7-C1-C7B
!  N2-C1-N2C
!  C7-C1-C7C
! N2B-C1-N2C
! C7B-C1-C7C
PRES DEL2 0.00

In the lines that start with ATOM, the second column list the names of the atoms, the third are the types of the atoms, and the fourth are the charges. Atoms that are grouped together with a GROU tag may receive some sort of treatment for electrostatic interactions. Lines that start with BOND define the bonds. Lines that start with IMPR define the improper dihedral angles. Lines that start with DONO and ACCE list the hydrogen bond donors and acceptors.

In the above example, the internal coordinates are not presented. The coordinates are input from an PDB file which contains the Cartesian coordinates of the hybrid. Part of the structure is for free energy calculation (lambda dynamics), which may not be relevant for electron transfer simulation. But yet it shows how to create a structure in Charmm.

Once a structure is built, Charmm will ask for the corresponding force fields, namely, the bonds, angles, and dihedrals. These parameters have to be defined in the parameter file. For example, if one wants to add a bond to the parameter file, just add a line like this in the BOND category

A     B    305.000     1.3750 ! A-B BOND, by Blah Blah Blah
The first number is the bond stretching constant, the second number is the bondlength. In the Charmm Hamiltonian, a bond is represented by a harmonical potential which restraints the distance between the two bond participants to be around the bondlength with a large force constant. The characters after the exclamation are regarded as the explanation field. If the user wants to add an angle, add a line like this in the ANGLES category
A   B   C    48.00    123.50  ! A-B-C Angle, by Blah Blah Blah
The first number is the angle bending force constant, the second number is the angle which it will be restrained to. If the user wants to add a dihedral angle, add a line like this in the DIHEDRALS category
A  B  C  D   0.2000  1   180.00 ! A-B-C-D Dihedral, by Blah Blah Blah
The first number is the barrier height for the torsional potential, the second is the multiplicity, which gives the number of minima in the function as the bond is rotated through 360 degree, the third is the phase factor that determines where the torsion angle passes through its minimum value. Improper dihedrals are defined in a similiar way except that they should be put in the IMPROPER category and have zero multiplicity.

Charmm's parameter file has parameters for biologically important elements on many different occasions. There are elements that may not have well tested parameter sets for the time being. For instance, for a complex containing metallic groups, the user usually needs to develop his own parameter sets. FYI, a periodic table shows how many elements we have to live with

Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Ac Unq Unp Unh Uns Uno Une Uun Uuu Uub Uut Uuq Uup Uuh Uus Uuo
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
Element Datasheet
Name: Number: Weight: Shells: Orbital: Melt: Freeze:
Write a Charmm script for MD simulation
The following is the template script for performing molecular dynamics simulation for azurin in either vacuum or solution. This script tries to automate the job with a single main file plus a few plug-in inputs (the so-called 'streams' in Charmm), starting from experimental protein structure(azuh.pdb---the crystallographic structure for azurin augmented with hydrogen atoms built using HBUILD, and wath.pdb---the file containing crystallographic waters). Azurin is a small protein, so no cutoff procedure is needed to downsize the system. The switches are summarized as follows:

The azurin molecule: rendered in space-filled and ribbon display modes. Images created by Rasmol and Photoshop.
To do a vacuum simulation for azurin, just switch off Solvent and CryWater. When the user wishes to add more waters to the system, he can simply turn on the RefillWater. After this step, he has to turn it off and turn on the RefillRestart switch in order to continue the simulation. If he mistakenly turns on the Restart, the script will refuse to work as Charmm will detect that the total number of atoms has been changed and exit.
*  TITLE Molecular Dynamics for Azurin

set Restart 1
set RefillWater 0
set RefillRestart 0
set run 1
set Solvent 1
set FixProtein 0
set CryWater 1
set NumberofSteps 50
set Steplength 0.001
set freqsave 1
set trajskip 1
set Temperature 300.0
set Timeseries 0
set WritePDB 1
set NumberofPDB 50

set Minimize 0
set minstep 100
set tolfun 0.0001

set Radius 28
set OverlayDiam 2.8

set Switch1 0
set Switch2 0
set Start 0
let Start = 1 - @Restart
let Switch1 = @Refillwater * @Restart
let Switch2 = @Start * @Solvent

set fact 0.0

set IndexofOverlay 0
set xphi 1.0
set yphi 0.0
set zphi 0.0
set phi  0.0
set xdir 0.0
set ydir 0.0
set zdir 0.0

set MainDir      /home/xie/charmm
set WaterDir     /home/xie/charmm/bpot
set PDBDir       /home/xie/strk/pdb

set rstfi  @MainDir/scratch/azurin.rst
set dcdfi  @MainDir/scratch/azurin.dcd
set velfi  @MainDir/scratch/azurin.vel
set dcdor  @MainDir/scratch/azurinorie.dcd

open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/toppar/top_all22_prot_na.inp
read rtf  card unit 10
open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/toppar/par_all22_prot_na2.inp
read para  card unit 10

label BEGIN
if RefillWater eq 1 goto BUILD1

if RefillRestart eq 1 goto BUILD4

if Restart eq 1 goto BUILD1

  open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/azuh.pdb
  read sequence pdb unit 10
  generate AZUA  setup warn first NTER last CTER 
  PATCH DISU     AZUA 3    AZUA  26
  patch HSQP     AZUA 46   AZUA  117
  patch HSQC     AZUA 46   AZUA  112

  open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/azuh.pdb
  read coor pdb unit 10 sele segid AZUA end

  if CryWater eq 1 open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/wath.pdb
  if CryWater eq 1 read sequence pdb unit 10
  if CryWater eq 1 generate WATE noangle nodihedral setup warn
  if CryWater eq 1 open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/wath.pdb
  if CryWater eq 1 read coor pdb sele segid WATE end unit 10

if Restart eq 0 goto BUILD2
label BUILD1

  open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/azurin.pdb
  read sequence pdb unit 10
  generate AZUA  setup warn first NTER last CTER 

  PATCH DISU     AZUA 3    AZUA  26
  patch HSQP     AZUA 46   AZUA  117
  patch HSQC     AZUA 46   AZUA  112

  open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/azurin.pdb
  read coor pdb unit 10 sele segid AZUA end

  if CryWater eq 1 open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/crywat.pdb
  if CryWater eq 1 read sequence pdb unit 10
  if CryWater eq 1 generate WATE noangle nodihedral setup warn
  if CryWater eq 1 open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/crywat.pdb
  if CryWater eq 1 read coor pdb sele segid WATE end unit 10
  if Solvent eq 1 open read card unit 30 name water.pdb
  if Solvent eq 1 read sequence pdb unit 30
  if Solvent eq 1 generate SOLV noangle nodihe setup warn
  if Solvent eq 1 read coor pdb unit 30 sele segid SOLV end

label BUILD2

! Overlay water, rotate more, and overlay again
if Switch1 eq 0 goto BUILD3
  stream azurin.rfl.str
  incr IndexofOverlay by 1
  incr phi by 90
  if IndexofOverlay lt 2 goto BUILD2
label BUILD3

goto BUILD5

label BUILD4

  open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/azurin.pdb
  read sequence pdb unit 10
  generate AZUA  setup warn first NTER last CTER 

  PATCH DISU     AZUA 3    AZUA  26
  patch HSQP     AZUA 46   AZUA  117
  patch HSQC     AZUA 46   AZUA  112

  open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/azurin.pdb
  read coor pdb unit 10 sele segid AZUA end

  if CryWater eq 1 open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/crywat.pdb
  if CryWater eq 1 read sequence pdb unit 10
  if CryWater eq 1 generate WATE noangle nodihedral setup warn
  if CryWater eq 1 open read card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/crywat.pdb
  if CryWater eq 1 read coor pdb sele segid WATE end unit 10

  open read card unit 30 name water.pdb
  read sequence pdb unit 30
  generate SOLV noangle nodihe setup warn
  read coor pdb unit 30 sele segid SOLV end

  let Restart = 0
  let Start = 1

label BUILD5

! modify the charges of the copper ligands
 .(ignored here, check azurin.main for details)

! =============================================
scalar wmain = charge sele all end
coor statistics sele all end
set TotalCharge ?WAVE
Multiply TotalCharge by ?NATO

! define and constrain the improper dihedrals for the copper complex

ic edit
dihe  AZUA  46  ND1  AZUA 112 SG  AZUA 46  CU  AZUA 117   ND1    180.0
dihe  AZUA 112  SG   AZUA 117 ND1 AZUA 46  CU  AZUA  46   ND1    180.0
dihe  AZUA 117  ND1  AZUA  46 ND1 AZUA 46  CU  AZUA 112    SG    180.0

ic fill

cons dihe AZUA  46 ND1 AZUA 112 SG  AZUA 46 CU AZUA 117 ND1 force 10.0 min 180.0
cons dihe AZUA 112 SG  AZUA 117 ND1 AZUA 46 CU AZUA  46 ND1 force 10.0 min 180.0
cons dihe AZUA 117 ND1 AZUA  46 ND1 AZUA 46 CU AZUA 112  SG force 10.0 min 180.0
if RefillRestart eq 1 goto MAIN001
  if Switch2 eq 1 stream azurin.ini.str
label MAIN001

if Solvent eq 1 stream azurin.set.str

if run eq 1 stream azurin.dyn.str

open write card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/total.pdb
write coor pdb unit 10 sele all end

if Solvent eq 1 open write card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/water.pdb
if Solvent eq 1 write coor pdb unit 10 sele segid SOLV end

open write card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/azurin.pdb
write coor pdb unit 10 sele segid AZUA end

if CryWater eq 1 open write card unit 10 name @MainDir/azurin/crywat.pdb
if CryWater eq 1 write coor pdb unit 10 sele segid WATE end

if WritePDB eq 1 stream azurin.pdb.str

if Timeseries eq 1 stream azurin.tim.str

Postprocess a MD simulation

While it is being done, an MD simulation carries rich information about the atomic coordinates and the velocities. Considering the number of atoms and the structure complexity involved in protein simulations, data management and analysis become a very time-consuming job, and sometimes, could be intimidating and frustrating for a novice.

Although it is desirable that data analysis be performed simultaneously while the MD simulation is going on, for simulation of complicated systems it can be very difficult to decide what we want to know at the stage of preparing script inputs. Particularly when we are using a generic simulation client such as Charmm that claims to be able to run any kind of MD job, it can be sometimes awkward to manipulate the MD machine on a developer-provided scripting environment.

A better way of working with Charmm is to deposit a long trajectory into a file so that we can get back to this file and postprocess it at any time. This file is normally called dynamical coordinate data (DCD), any file with an extention name 'dcd' is recognized as an DCD trajectory file, and can be played by the DCD player built in the VMD. In this way, Charmm looks somehow like a DCD recorder---it records the important information for the evolution of the system(of course, guided by the equation of motion and the selected simulation protocols). Once the DCD file is saved, nothing is actually lost after the simulation is completed.

Postprocessing a simulation in Charmm

We have also written up a DCD parser which is independent of the Charmm platform. The program takes a DCD and two PDB files (a starting and a reference structure) as selected in the input file and can do some simple calculations much faster because the overheads of the whole Charmm platform are avoided. The DCD parser can handle the following tasks:

Prune the structure and create the PDB series
The plug-in file (
azurin.pdb.str) truncates part of the beta-sheet from the whole azurin molecule. When installing ACE and CT3 terminals to the two ends of both strands, care is taken such that the terminal atoms sit on the positions of the corresponding atoms of the excluded residues that are right next to the end residues. This can be obviously seen from the following script.

The reason that we add ACE and CT3 terminals is that they satisfy the close-shell requirement for the electronic structure calculation (CNDO level).

* extract the pathway from the whole protein and patch ACE and CT3 to the
* two ends of the pathway

  TRAJ IREAD 61 NREAD  1  SKIP @trajskip BEGIN 000 STOP 5000000

  OPEN WRITE CARD UNIT 60 NAME pathway1.pdb
  WRITE COOR PDB UNIT 60 sele (segid AZUA .and. resid 121:123) end
  open write card unit 60 name pathway2.pdb
  write coor pdb unit 60 sele (segid AZUA .and. resid 110:112) end
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 120 C end
  set xC120  ?xave
  set yC120  ?yave
  set zC120  ?zave
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 120 CA end
  set xCA120 ?xave
  set yCA120 ?yave
  set zCA120 ?zave
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 120 O end
  set xO120  ?xave
  set yO120  ?yave
  set zO120  ?zave

  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 124 N end
  set xN124  ?xave
  set yN124  ?yave
  set zN124  ?zave
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 124 CA end
  set xCA124 ?xave
  set yCA124 ?yave
  set zCA124 ?zave
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 124 HN end
  set xHN124 ?xave
  set yHN124 ?yave
  set zHN124 ?zave

  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 109 C end
  set xC109  ?xave
  set yC109  ?yave
  set zC109  ?zave
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 109 CA end
  set xCA109 ?xave
  set yCA109 ?yave
  set zCA109 ?zave
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 109 O end
  set xO109  ?xave
  set yO109  ?yave
  set zO109  ?zave

  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 113 N end
  set xN113  ?xave
  set yN113  ?yave
  set zN113  ?zave
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 113 CA end
  set xCA113 ?xave
  set yCA113 ?yave
  set zCA113 ?zave
  coor statistics sele atom AZUA 113 HN end
  set xHN113 ?xave
  set yHN113 ?yave
  set zHN113 ?zave
  rename segid TEMP sele segid AZUA end
  open read card unit 60 name pathway1.pdb
  read sequence pdb unit 60
  generate AZUA setup warn first ACE last CT3
  read coor pdb unit 60

  scalar x set @xC120  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type  CY) end
  scalar y set @yC120  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type  CY) end
  scalar z set @zC120  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type  CY) end
  scalar x set @xCA120 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type CAY) end
  scalar y set @yCA120 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type CAY) end
  scalar z set @zCA120 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type CAY) end
  scalar x set @xO120  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type  OY) end
  scalar y set @yO120  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type  OY) end
  scalar z set @zO120  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname MET .and. type  OY) end

  scalar x set @xN124  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type  NT) end
  scalar y set @yN124  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type  NT) end
  scalar z set @zN124  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type  NT) end

  scalar x set @xCA124 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type CAT) end
  scalar y set @yCA124 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type CAT) end
  scalar z set @zCA124 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type CAT) end

  scalar x set @xHN124 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type HNT) end
  scalar y set @yHN124 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type HNT) end
  scalar z set @zHN124 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname GLY .and. type HNT) end

  rename segid PAR1 sele segid AZUA end

! hack here: since we cannot do open-shell calculations, charges are
! removed, and sulfur atoms replaced by oxygen atoms.

  delete atom sele (segid PAR1 .and. resname LYS .and. type HZ3) end
  rename atom OD sele (segid PAR1 .and. resname MET .and. type SD ) end
  label cont200
  open read card unit 60 name pathway2.pdb
  read sequence pdb unit 60
  generate AZUA setup warn first ACE last CT3
  read coor pdb unit 60

  scalar x set @xC109  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type  CY) end
  scalar y set @yC109  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type  CY) end
  scalar z set @zC109  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type  CY) end
  scalar x set @xCA109 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type CAY) end
  scalar y set @yCA109 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type CAY) end
  scalar z set @zCA109 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type CAY) end
  scalar x set @xO109  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type  OY) end
  scalar y set @yO109  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type  OY) end
  scalar z set @zO109  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname PHE .and. type  OY) end

  scalar x set @xN113  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type  NT) end
  scalar y set @yN113  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type  NT) end
  scalar z set @zN113  sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type  NT) end
  scalar x set @xCA113 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type CAT) end
  scalar y set @yCA113 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type CAT) end
  scalar z set @zCA113 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type CAT) end

  scalar x set @xHN113 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type HNT) end
  scalar y set @yHN113 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type HNT) end
  scalar z set @zHN113 sele (segid AZUA .and. resname CYS .and. type HNT) end
  rename segid PAR2 sele segid AZUA end

! hack here: since we cannot do open-shell calculations, charges are
! removed, and sulfur atoms replaced by oxygen atoms.

  rename atom OG sele (segid PAR2 .and. resname CYS .and. type SG ) end
  rename atom OD sele (segid PAR2 .and. resname MET .and. type SD ) end
  WRITE COOR PDB UNIT 60 sele segid PAR1 .or. segid PAR2 end

  delete atom sele segid PAR1 .or. segid PAR2 end
  rename segid AZUA sele segid TEMP end

The truncated beta-sheet.

A C-shell script loop-runs the above Charmm script, and deposits the PDB files into a series of segments.

#!/bin/csh -f
# script file for md and saving pdb files

@ number_of_run = 200
@ length_of_run = 50
@ i0 = 0
@ i = $i0
set dir_of_md = /home/xie/charmm

set a = `pwd`
if ( $a != $dir_of_md ) then
   echo We are not in the right starting directory!

cd ./azurin/


@ i ++

runch < azurin.main

cd ./strk/pdb
if ( -e 1.pdb ) then
   tar -cvf azur.$i.tar *.pdb  
   gzip azur.$i.tar
   mv azur.$i.tar.gz /home/xie/strk/
   rm -f *.pdb

cd ../../charmm/azurin/

if ( $i - $i0 < $number_of_run ) goto label_one


Some DCD trajectories for the beta-strands and beta-sheet are stored in a directory on thales. For each trajectory, a 'tsign' file, a 'dmold' file, and an 'input' file are also presented in the corresponding directory.

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© 2000, Qian Xie